Singanitropin 100iu (growth hormone) 10 vials of 10IU


Singanitropin 100iu (growth hormone) 10 vials of 10IU


Manufacturer: SINGANI PHARMA
Category: Growth hormones
Substance: growth hormone
Package: 10 vials of 10IU

  • Open, Non-Proprietary Formula
  • Properly Dosed, Premium Ingredients
  • Multi-Functional Product
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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For sale in our store by Singani Pharma, Singanitropin is a growth hormone of the highest quality. Mimicking the body’s human growth hormone (HGH), the active ingredient is somatropin, which is not only high quality but also very affordable.

Effects: Some of the main effects that you can expect are better body definition, improved healing times, and higher than normal muscle gains.

With the ability to reduce subcutaneous fat, it also leads to increased lean muscle mass and a higher volume of muscle cells due to fluid accumulation. There is also an increase in connective tissue for the user which leads to fewer injuries while training. Due to the improved healing times, it is also helpful in periods of illness to boost the immune system.

Directions For Use: Growth hormone by Singani Pharma is a white powder that comes in vials of 10 IU, so the user will need to inject 1ml of sterile water into the vial and rotate the vial in a circular motion gently. Continue to do this until the powder is completely dissolved into the water. DO NOT shake the contents to mix.

The daily recommended dosage for recovery periods is 1-3 IU, given by subcutaneous injection until completely recovered. If performance enhancement is the reason for usage, a recommended dose of 4-6 IU per day for 2-6 months is recommended depending on the user’s personal goals.

Side Effects: HGH can cause temporary hyperglycemia in the user, which goes away after use. Other adverse reactions include swelling around the injection site, joint pain, peripheral edema, tingling, and mild pain in general. Usually, any reactions happen early in the treatment cycle, and are only very temporary.

For our non US customers who want to buy HGH, it’s probably more convenient to use our regional site versions:

HGH – ヒト成長ホルモン 10IU

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