Vemox 250 (amoxicillin) 250mg 30 capsules


Vemox 250 (amoxicillin) 250mg 30 capsules


Manufacturer: Zee DrugsCategory: SkinSubstance: amoxicillinPackage: 250mg 30 capsules

Category: Tag:
  • Open, Non-Proprietary Formula
  • Properly Dosed, Premium Ingredients
  • Multi-Functional Product
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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Manufactured as an antibiotic, Zee Drugs has created Vemox 250 as a penicillin-based antibiotic with the active substance being amoxicillin. Vemox 250 can be used to treat all kinds of bacterial infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and other infections of the nose, throat, ears, urinary tract, and skin.

Effects: As one of the most prescribed antibiotics in the world it is also one of the most effective. This effectiveness comes from a beta-lactam process which binds proteins which inhibits certain bacterial cell processes. One of these major processes is known as cell wall biosynthesis which causes the breaking down of cell walls allowing it to destroy bacteria.

Directions For Use: Dosage depends on the condition it is being used to treat. Generally, 250-500mg is taken with your meals every 8 hours for the duration of the treatment cycle given to you by a physician. The cycle must be completed even if symptoms subside before the end of the cycle.

Side Effects: Some side effects could potentially include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, change in taste perception, and headaches. Symptoms usually subside as soon as use is discontinued.

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