Rexogin (stanozolol injection) 10 ampoules (50mg/ml)


Rexogin (stanozolol injection) 10 ampoules (50mg/ml)


Manufacturer: Alpha PharmaCategory: Injectable steroidsSubstance: stanozolol injectionPackage: 10 ampoules (50mg/ml)

  • Open, Non-Proprietary Formula
  • Properly Dosed, Premium Ingredients
  • Multi-Functional Product
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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Rexogin (stanozolol injection) just had no right to turn out to be a bad product, and from the first days of sales, to win a bad reputation. The bosses of the company considered it a matter of honor to produce a high-quality, pure drug, which in the end gave Stanozololu a certain advantage in the market over its counterparts. Indeed, if we talk about each new product or company, it should be noted the trend of the first few years. This trend means that each new company, a manufacturer, entering the market with its product – is trying in the first few years to win a good name for itself, a good reputation – if you want.


The main properties of the Rexogin (stanozolol injection):

  • A set of high-quality muscles
  • Improving the relief of muscles
  • Fat burning
  • The development of explosive power and endurance
  • Non-aromatized drug


The dosage of Stanozolol is calculated based on the physiological characteristics of the athlete’s body. Given that the steroid does not aromatize, the likelihood of side effects is minimal. However, some recommendations must be observed.

The recommended dose is 50 mg. in a day. Cycle duration 6-8 full weeks. Injection Winstrol take fashionable in the offseason and during the preparation for the competition. This is due to the fact that the drug is eliminated from the blood after 3 weeks, so after this time the steroid is not detected in the doping control.

It should be remembered that the cycle Stanozolol solo provides and balanced nutrition of the athlete, as well as regular exercise.

Side effects

Although side effects are not characteristic of stanozolol, if used improperly, blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood, acne, myocardial hypertrophy, and oily skin may be increased.

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