HCG 10000IU (hcg) 1 vial of 10 000IU


HCG 10000IU (hcg) 1 vial of 10 000IU


Manufacturer: Bharat Serums
Category: Hormones & Peptides
Substance: HCG
Package: 1 vial of 10,000 IU

Category: Tag:
  • Open, Non-Proprietary Formula
  • Properly Dosed, Premium Ingredients
  • Multi-Functional Product
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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This is an injectable drug more commonly known as gonadotropin (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) which is a synthetic way to offset the negative effects that powerful steroids can have during a cycle. HCG 10000IU by Bharat Serums comes in a 10,000IU vial and is essential to allowing the body to restore its hormonal levels after even the strongest cycle of steroids has been taken.

Effects: Some of the benefits that users will experience while taking gonadotropin are:

  • Increased testosterone levels
  • Increased testicular size and activity
  • Higher sperm count
  • Higher sex drive
  • Helps to maintain muscle mass after a cycle is finished

Directions For Use: HCG is mainly used when athletes are using a cycle of steroids that has lasted for longer than 6 weeks in duration. It is only recommended for users that have taken a very strong cycle, and not recommended for some weaker cycles of steroids. If taking it during the cycle it is recommended that the dosage is between 250-500IU split into 2 injections weekly. If it is taken as part of a post-cycle therapy the dosage is to be increased to 500-2000IU and needs to be taken for a length of 10-20 days. Larger doses do not increase the effectiveness once the optimal dosage has been found.

Side Effects: If dosage and dosage length are not being followed there is a possibility of some negative side effects to occur. Some of these include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and gynecomastia. A sports physician should be consulted to know if HCG is the right choice for your cycle or PCT.

We have HCG 10000IU for sale in our online store where you can buy it at a competitive price. We offer shipping anywhere in the USA by mail.

For our non-US customers who want to buy HCG, it’s probably more convenient to use our regional site versions:


ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン 10000IU

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