Induject-250 (vial) (testosterone mix) 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


Induject-250 (vial) (testosterone mix) 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


Manufacturer: Alpha PharmaCategory: Injectable steroidsSubstance: testosterone mixPackage: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)

  • Open, Non-Proprietary Formula
  • Properly Dosed, Premium Ingredients
  • Multi-Functional Product
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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This is a strong injectable steroid mix that is also known commonly as Sustanon 250. Induject-250 by Alpha Pharma comes in vial of 10ml at 250mg/ml which allows different release times for all 4 of the steroids in the mix (Isocaproate, phenylpropionate, decanoate, and propionate). This gives the testosterone mix a long-lasting effect throughout the cycle.

Effects: Some of the benefits athletes will gain from this are:

  • Up to 15kg of lean muscle in one cycle
  • Fewer injections due to the long-lasting effects of the mix
  • Protection for joints and ligaments
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Higher sex drive
  • Faster healing times

Directions For Use: For users beginning their first cycle of this steroid mix the standard injection will be 250mg per week injected one time per week. More experienced athletes can have a dosage as high as 500mg per week. The normal cycle length for Induject-250 is 8-10 weeks long and should not be exceeded. However, if this timeframe is exceeded gonadotropin should be taken with it to avoid problems with balancing the natural levels of hormones in the body. It is recommended that PCT should be done after the cycle is finished.

Some athletes like to combine this with other drugs to maximize their performance during their cycle. Some of the recommended choices to combine with are Deca Durabolin and Dianabol to get the leanest possible mass out of one cycle. When mixing these drugs together it is advised to speak with a sports physician to see which mix is best for you individually.

Side Effects: One of the things users will need to monitor are the aromatization effects that this steroid mixture can have. If there are signs of swelling, gynecomastia, or excessive fluid retention it is advised to begin taking an aromatase inhibitor. Some of the other side effects that have been noted by users have been acne, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, and pain at the injection site.

We have Induject-250 for sale in our online store where you can buy it at a competitive price. We offer shipping anywhere in the USA by mail.

For our non-US customers who want to buy Sustanon 250, it’s probably more convenient to use our regional site versions:

ススタノン 250 – テストステロン ミックス 250 mg

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